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Vol. 2 No. 115 (2013): Actual Problems of International Relations
Vol. 2 No. 115 (2013): Actual Problems of International Relations
The legal basis of association of Ukraine to the European Union
V. I. Muravyov
PDF (Ukrainian)
The legal interpretation activities of the Court of the European Union
M. M. Mykiyevych, I. M. Jaworska
PDF (Ukrainian)
The institutional arrangements within the Association Agreement of Ukraine with the European Union
O. M. Shpakovych
The international legal aspects of the european integration of Ukraine: historical experience and realities of today
I. G. Bilas
PDF (Ukrainian)
A free trade zone as a part of the Association Agreement of Ukraine with the European Union
I. A. Berezovska
PDF (Ukrainian)
The role of constitutional courts in the implementation of EU law in the national legal orders: the case of the new member states
I. Z. Bratsuk
PDF (Ukrainian)
The features of the harmonization of legislation of Ukraine with the legislation of the EU in public procurement
I. V. Vlyalko
PDF (Ukrainian)
The competence of international intergovernmental organizations and national sovereignty in contemporary international law
O. I. Golovko-Havrysheva
PDF (Ukrainian)
The background of occurrence and the prospects of development of European criminal law
O. V. Goncharuk
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The features of the legal personality of the European Central Bank
O. I. Dunas
PDF (Ukrainian)
The essence of european system of local and regional self-government
N. V. Kaminska
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The principle of political association and economic integration in the bilateral relations between Ukraine and the European Union
Y. M. Kostyuchenko
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The problems of comparative law in the works of Valtazar Bohishych
O. V. Kresin
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The key aspects of international-legal regulation of protection of personal datas
Z. O. Kukina
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The reform of the electoral legislation of Ukraine as a condition of signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU
O. M. Lysenko
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The actual aspects of the conclusion of the Agreement on deep and comprehensive free trade area between Ukraine and the European Union
V. I. Motyl
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The Association Agreement and the freedom of movement of citizens of Ukraine in the European Union
N. B. Mushak
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The legal nature of the European Union
V. V. Popko
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The principle of respect of human rights as a European value in the international treaties of the EU with third countries
O. V. Svyatun
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The legal regulation of rivalry in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU
K. V. Smyrnova
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The features of the harmonizing of the legislation of Ukraine with the EU legislation in the field of social policy
A. L. Fedorova
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The problems of definition of the harmonization of indirect taxation in the European Union and Ukraine
S. A. Vladyka
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The reforming of corporate law of Ukraine in accordance to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union
O. M. Kalinina
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The legal basis of the protection of cultural property in the European Union
O. M. Kotys
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The european standards for the protection of right to health and the legislation of Ukraine
Y. A. Kruk
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The interpretation of the standards of treaties of EU about direct taxing in the practice of the court of the EU
M. M. Negrych
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The legal basis of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the field of combating terrorism
A. V. Pavlenko
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The place of treaties of Europe Council in the law of EU
Y. V. Popko
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The institutional mechanism for implementing the European Space Policy
Y. M. Utko-Maslyanyk
PDF (Ukrainian)
The termination of the right to alimony in connection with a conclusion of contract about transfer of property in favor of the child
O. A. Shershnyova
PDF (Ukrainian)
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