Information For Authors

If you want to publish your manuscript, we kindly recommend you to read our ethical policies, 'about the Journal' page, peer review process and see the Author Guidelines (also available in the chapter 'For Authors'). In order to be able to make a submission to the Journal, authors need to register on the journal's website. If you are already registered, simply log in to the site and submit your manuscript to the editorial board.



The following guidelines have been developed to meet the requirements of national Ukrainian and international rules and standards for scientific manuscripts.

1. The general part

The research article must be a completed scientific work, contain scientific novelty and/or practical significance and comprehensive substantiation of provisions. The scientific article can be written both in English and Ukrainian.

Please note that priority of publications is given to the articles in English. Articles in Ukrainian are also being collected and are published in a separate additional volume of the Journal once per year in December (Volume 2 of the fourth issue of the year).

2. General principles of editorial policy

The authors are fully liable for the veracity of the materials contained in the article, for the observance of the legislation on copyright and related rights and other applicable law, for the accuracy of the data and the quality of the actual material (quotations, names, formulas, statistics, etc.).

The editorial board reserves the right to return the materials to the authors for correction of errors and furhter revision. The editors have the right to reduce and edit the materials of authors.

Being fully aware of the fact that the Founder of the Journal is Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, we deliberately established the editorial team that includes well-known foreign (meaning not citizens of Ukraine and not employees of Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv) scholars and researchers. In rare cases, when the subject of the article is overly connected with internal and very specific ukrainian issues, member of editorial team may request the opinion of member of advisory board to editorial team, for purposes of clarification and better understanding of some historical, legal or economic features in Ukraine.

Thus, materials are subject to blind peer-review, which is carried out by members of the editorial team, possibly followed by additional comments (upon request) from a member of advisory board to editorial team – specialist of relevant scientific fields and national ukrainian peculiarities. The step-by-step blind peer-review process is revealed in the 'Peer review process' chater of this site.

It should be also stressed that the opinions and suggestions of the authors, expressed in articles, do not necessarily reflect the view of the editorial board. The materials of article or the whole article cannot be published in any other scientific journals. In cases of plagiarism detection, the authors are responsible for the submitted materials in accordance with applicable law and are allowed to resubmit their manuscript only after successful completion of the plagiarism check.

Every article is obligatory processed with certified Unicheck programme in order to detect any possible attempts of scientific plagiarism. In case an article consisits plagiarism, the submission is cancelled automatically.

3. Abstracts and Keywords

While an article is written in English or Ukrainian, the structured summaries in both English and Ukrainian of not less than 1800 signs, including the key words, should be included with the manuscript together with the key words which encapsulate the principal subjects covered by the paper that will be used for indexing. The summary should be understandable to readers who have not read the rest of the paper. It should not contain any citations of other published work.

4. References and links design

All quotes, well-known fundamental scientific facts, statistics must be verified with links to sources. All citations must end with links to sources. References are made exclusively in APA format . In case the author refers to scientific text of any kind in Ukrainian the references need to be transliterated in English. Comprehensive information about this link design format can be found at For example links can be found at:

5. Research article length

Full article length shall not exceed:

  • review and problematic articles - up to 20 A4 format;
  • general articles by category of the collection - up to 15 pages of A 4 format

6. Research article patterns

6.1. UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) is required

6.2. Surname and initials of the author / authors in Ukrainian and English.

6.3. Author / authors information in Ukrainian and English . Title of the article in Ukrainian and English.

6.4. Abstract in Ukrainian and English.

6.5. Keywords in Ukrainian and English.

6.6. Introduction. The introduction should explain what kind of problem the article is devoted to, to pose the problem in general, justify the relevance of the research. The introduction may not be very significant. It should avoid the use of tables and figures.

6.7. Purpose of the study. Short and concise (1-2 sentences) formulation of the purpose of scientific article

6.8. Literature review
The literature review is an analysis and generalization of relevant works (articles, monographs, reports, dissertations, reports, etc.) that gives an idea of previous attempts at the scientific problem being investigated, the works the author uses in his thought process as basis for own logic and conclusions.
The review should:

  • present unresolved issues
  • be original
  • identify contradictions in the results and conclusions of previous studies
  • substantiate the need to continue research in this area
  • choose a specific topic (direction) for this study
  • correspond to the purpose of the study
  • be the result of a critical research
  • utilize an analytical base
  • test the underlying hypothesis
  • be thorough and international
  • analyze applicable regulatory acts
  • be limited to relevant research and citations
  • adhere to ethical and moral principles

It should not include:

  • long lists of authors and their works related to the issue under study
  • fragments of descriptive text from other works and more authors in the bibliography

When preparing a literary review, the author can use his own publications and refer to them, but solely for the purpose of revealing the problem, and not to increase the level of citation.  
In the literature review and in the whole text of the article, references to sources are made in accordance with the APA formatting and style guidelines.

6.9. The main results of the study. This section provides experimental or theoretical data obtained during the study. Here it is desirable to use figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. The results obtained are not interpreted in this section. This section should not include results previously obtained by authors or other scholars.

7. Conclusions. The main ideas of the article demonstrate a novelty and what conclusions were drawn upon evaluation. Formulating the possibility for practical application and directions for further research is crucial in this section.

8. Technical requirements. The article is written in a Word text editor. The parameters of the text are set by the corresponding functions of the editor:

  • filetype of the article - (.doc, .docx);
  • font - Times New Roman;
  • font size (skittles) - 12;
  • line space - 1.5;
  • paragraph –1.0 cm;
  • text alignment – justified.

Page: format - A4.

Orientation: portrait.

Margins: upper, lower, right - 20 mm each; left –20 mm.

Pages are not numbered, footers are not made.

9. Materials for submission to editorial staff

1. Electronic file of the article in .doc or.docx format. The name of file – surname of author.

2. In the email to the editorial office ( the author shall indicate his contact telephone number and e-mail address for correspondence.

3. Submission via site by means of 'make submission' button

Sample article new

10. Author charges

Submission of scientific articles to the collection of scientific papers "Actual Problems of International Relations" and their review is free of charge