On the basis of distinguishing the main features of public administration and interaction between the state and society in the period of a complex multi-level systemic crisis, the essence of the power and political organization of anti-crisis management in the
Actual problems of international relations. Release 135. 2018
context of formation of the foreign policy identity of Ukraine is determined. Stable interrelations between the state and society are revealed to play the key role in the process of the foreign policy identification of an actor nowadays.
The historical features and relevant social and spiritual values of the society are proved to be decisive determinants while building the foreign policy identity of the state. They form key identity markers that the state extrapolates into the external space. This process provides a comparable stability of the foreign policy identity of an actor when implementing its foreign policy and during its interactions with other subjects of the world politics.
The anti-crisis management on the state level is determined to be currently carried out within the general system integrity, which functioning is conditioned by the natural and geographic, social and economic, political and spiritual and moral systems. Interaction with these systems provides implementation of the anti-crisis management inside the state. In this sense, the most important role is played not only by the institutionalization of the power and political organization of anti-crisis management, but also by the formation of spatial images that contribute to the formation of the foreign policy identity of the state on the international arena.
Key words: Ukraine, foreign policy identity, anti-crisis management, socium, identity markers, spatial image.
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