Досліджено роль торговельної логістики в міжнародній торгівлі, а також те, наскільки неефективна логістика може становити перешкоди для торгівлі. Проаналізовано різний вплив якості логістики, інфраструктури та митних процедурна на витрати транспортування товарів. Ідентифіковано значний вплив на торгівлю якості логістики, використовуючи такій показник, як Індекс ефективності логістики Світового банку. Покращення якості логістичних послуг пов’язано зі зростанням обсягів торгівлі та експорту. Нарощування потенціалу для підключення до глобальних мереж логістичних послуг фірм, постачальників і споживачів є ключовим в міжнародній торгівлі, де передбачуваність і надійність стають ще більш важливим, ніж витрати.
Wilhelm W, Liang D, Rao B, Warrier D, Zhu X, Bulusu S. Design of international assembly systems and their supply chains under NAFTA. Transp Res Part E 41(6), 2005. – Р. 467–493.
Devlin J and Lee P. Trade Logistics in developing countries: the case of the middle east and north Africa / World Economy, № 28, 2005. – Р. 417–450.
Arvis J.-F., Y. Duval, B. Shepherd, and C. Utoktham. Trade Costs in the Developing World: 1995–2010. Policy Research Working Paper 6309, World Bank, 2013. [Електороний ресурс]. – Режим доступу http://elibrary.worldbank.org/docserver/download/6309.pdf.
Helble, M., C. Mann, and J. Wilson. Aid-for-trade Facilitation / Review of World Economics, 148 (2). – 2012. Р. 357–376.
OECD. To What Extent Are High-Quality Logistics Services Trade Facilitating? Trade Policy Working Paper 108, OECD. – 2011.
OECD. Estimating the Constraints to Agricultural Trade of Developing Countries. Trade Policy Paper 142, OECD. – 2013.
Limao, N. and Venables, A. J. Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade, The World Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2001. – Р. 451–479.
Clark, X., Dollar, D. and Micco A. Port efficiency, maritime transport Costs and bilateral trade, NBER Working paper 10353. – 2004.
Saslavsky, D., and B. Shepherd. Facilitating International Production Networks: The Role of Trade Logistics. Policy Research Working Paper 6224, World Bank, 2012.
Arvis, J.-F., M. Mustra, L. Ojala, B. Shepherd, and D. Saslavsky. Connecting to Compete: Trade Logistics in the Global Economy. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 2012.
Moise, E. Trade facilitation reform in the Service of Development in Overcoming Border Bottlenecks: The costs and benefits of trade facilitation. OECD, Paris, 2009.– Р.113–140.
OECD. Trade Facilitation Indicators: The Potential Impact of Trade Facilitation on Developing Countries’ Trade. Trade Policy Paper 144, OECD, Paris, –2013.
Logistics Performance Index. [Електороний ресурс]. – Режим доступу http://lpi.worldbank.org/international/global.
World Trade Organisation.[Електороний ресурс]. – Режим доступу https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news17_e/fac_31jan17_e.htm.
Gereffi G., and Fernandez-Stark K. The Offshore Services Value Chain: Developing Countriesand the Crisis / World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5262, 2010. – Р. 335–372.
OECD-WTO-UNCTAD. Implications of Global Value Chains for Trade, Investment, Development and Jobs. – Report Prepared for the G-20 Leaders Summit, September 2013. –
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Fabbe-Costes, N., M. Jahre, and C. Roussat.Supply Chain Integration: The Role of Logistics Service Providers/International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, (58 : 1), 2009. – Р. 71–91.
Hertz, S. and M. Alfredsson. Strategic development of third party logistics providers / Industrial Marketing Management, (32), 2003, Р. 139–149.
Mentzer, J. T., S. Min and M. L. Bobbitt. Toward a unified theory of logistics/ International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, (34:7/87), 2004. – Р. 606–627.
Bowersox, D. J. et al. Estimation of global and national logistics expenditures 2002 dataupdate / Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2005. – Р. 1–15.
Rodrigue, J-P. Transportation and the geographical and functional integration of globalproduction networks / Growth and Change, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2006. – Р. 510–525.
Wilhelm W, Liang D, Rao B, Warrier D, Zhu X, Bulusu S. Design of international assembly systems and their supply chains under NAFTA. Transp Res Part E 41(6), 2005. – Р. 467–493.
Devlin J and Lee P. Trade Logistics in developing countries: the case of the middle east and north Africa / World Economy, № 28, 2005. – Р. 417–450.
Arvis J.-F., Y. Duval, B. Shepherd, and C. Utoktham. Trade Costs in the Developing World: 1995–2010. Policy Research Working Paper 6309, World Bank, 2013. [Electronic resource]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://elibrary.worldbank.org/docserver/download/6309.pdf.
Helble, M., C. Mann, and J. Wilson. Aid-for-trade Facilitation / Review of World Economics, 148 (2). – 2012. Р. 357–376.
OECD. To What Extent Are High-Quality Logistics Services Trade Facilitating? Trade Policy Working Paper 108, OECD. – 2011.
OECD. Estimating the Constraints to Agricultural Trade of Developing Countries. Trade Policy Paper 142, OECD. – 2013.
Limao, N. and Venables, A. J. Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade, The World Economic Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2001. – Р. 451–479.
Clark, X., Dollar, D. and Micco A. Port efficiency, maritime transport Costs and bilateral trade, NBER Working paper 10353. – 2004.
Saslavsky, D., and B. Shepherd. Facilitating International Production Networks: The Role of Trade Logistics. Policy Research Working Paper 6224, World Bank, 2012.
Arvis, J.-F., M. Mustra, L. Ojala, B. Shepherd, and D. Saslavsky. Connecting to Compete: Trade Logistics in the Global Economy.Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 2012.
Moise, E. Trade facilitation reform in the Service of Development in Overcoming Border Bottlenecks: The costs and benefits of trade facilitation. OECD, Paris, 2009.– Р.113–140.
OECD. Trade Facilitation Indicators: The Potential Impact of Trade Facilitation on Developing Countries’ Trade. Trade Policy Paper 144, OECD, Paris, –2013.
Logistics Performance Index. [[Electronic resource]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://lpi.worldbank.org/international/global.
World Trade Organisation. [Electronic resource]. – Rezhym dostupu: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news17_e/fac_31jan17_e.htm.
Gereffi G., and Fernandez-Stark K. The Offshore Services Value Chain: Developing Countriesand the Crisis / World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5262, 2010. – Р. 335–372.
OECD-WTO-UNCTAD. Implications of Global Value Chains for Trade, Investment, Development and Jobs. – Report Prepared for the G-20 Leaders Summit, September 2013. – 29 p. – [Electronic resource]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/unctad_oecd_wto_2013d1_en.pdf.
Fabbe-Costes, N., M. Jahre, and C. Roussat. Supply Chain Integration: The Role of Logistics Service Providers/International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, (58 : 1), 2009. – Р. 71–91.
Hertz, S. and M. Alfredsson. Strategic development of third party logistics providers / Industrial Marketing Management, (32), 2003, Р. 139–149.
Mentzer, J. T., S. Min and M. L. Bobbitt. Toward a unified theory of logistics/ International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, (34:7/87), 2004. – Р. 606–627.
Bowersox, D. J. et al. Estimation of global and national logistics expenditures 2002 dataupdate / Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2005. – Р. 1–15.
Rodrigue, J-P. Transportation and the geographical and functional integration of globalproduction networks / Growth and Change, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2006. – Р. 510–525.