
  • I. Oliinyk Faculty of Economics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



     In the article the basic differences of the Belgian variant of French from normative French in France at the level of vocabulary are examined. The main word-formation models adopted from different languages, and also some archaisms that no longer exist in French of France, are presented. Examples of word-formation models by means of affixation, compound words, and also semantic derivation are given. Archaisms that mainly correspond to the field of
law, and also to some extent to the common language are considered. In Belgian French an important number of words, formed with help of affixes, used in French of France, can be found. The difference is that words of modern coinage that we get in this way, don’t exist in French of France. It is shown, that in everyday language of Brussels some diminutival elements of Flemish
origin are used. There exist a lot of words, that have different meanings in Belgian French and in French of France, i.e. semantic Belgicisms. It is proved that borrowings in Belgian French are conditioned by geographical situation and administrative arrangement of Belgium, and also by the fact that Belgium was under the governance of Spain and Austria for a long time. Different
examples of Flemish and English borrowings are given, as well as the reasons for their appearance. The multitude of dialectal and sociological variants, that specificate Belgian French, establish a framework for deeper studies of French, as it has multifaceted character. It is concluded that in French language studies the existence of different norms of French should be considered, that are conditioned by the existence of different variants of French in different
French-speaking countries.
Key words: linguistic norm, vocabulary, word formation, borrowings, archaisms, didactics.

Біографія автора

  • I. Oliinyk, Faculty of Economics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

    Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of
    Economics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


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