Efficiency increase issue of prosecutor supervision of the migrants, refugees and stateless people rights protection law observance


  • В І Дяченко




One of problems which the office of public prosecutor must decide is defence of rights for refugees, migrantiv and persons, without citizenship. Nevirishennist' of problem of settlement of legal status of these persons of increase of them chis- el'nomti, appearance of new categories of forced migrantiv, put a main question which must be decided, is the real providing of position of migrantiv, refugees and persons, without gromadnstva, as it is foreseen a mizhnaronim right.

Author Biography

  • В І Дяченко

    кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафедри нагляду за додержанням законів щодо прав і свобод людини На- ціональної академії прокуратури України

