The analysis of the United States experience in the field of terrorist threats counteraction organization


  • В В Захаров



The article is devoted to actual issue - the analysis of the United States of Amer- ica experience in the field of organization of counteraction against internal and ex- ternal terrorist threats. In article analyzed antiterrorist mechanisms of different periods of the USA history as well as changes in approaches of US administrations in solution of the abovementioned problems after events of September 11, 2001. The analysis can be considered further for comparison with national complexes of meas- ures in antiterrorist field.

Author Biography

  • В В Захаров

    здобувач відділу глобальної безпеки та європейської інтеграції Національного інституту проблем міжна- родної безпеки РНБО України

