
  • O Yu Kondratenko Institute of International Relations of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University



The essence of the internal geopolitics of the Russian Federation (RF) and its influence
on the foreign policy of Moscow is analyzed in the article. It was found that on the background
of Russian nationalism the activation of separatist sentiments in the Russian national
autonomies had occurred, particularly in the North Caucasus (Chechnia, Dahestan).Eventually,
it caused two Chechen wars, as well as to the formation of dissatisfaction with the Center’s
actions in Tatarstan, South and East Siberia and others. However, after internal politics and internal
economy shocks of the 1990-th Russia has outlined a course to restore the status of a
great state. An important factor for the Russian government is the support of its foreign policy
by the population. It is traced that the level of electoral support of the Russian president entirely
depends on the success of the Russian Federation on the international arena. Kremlin actively
cultivates and uses imperial mood of society in order to justify the return of its “unjustly
deprived” great power status. Therefore, governmental expansionist geostrategy obtains active
support among theintelligentsia and broad social strata.

Author Biography

  • O Yu Kondratenko, Institute of International Relations of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University
    Ph.D. (historical sciences), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow



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