Abstract. International experience shows that in today’s exit from the economic crisis and
increased competition between national economies for the best markets, access to material, financial
and intellectual resources, one of the most effective mechanisms is regional integration
and maximization the benefits of engaging in international trade relations through the mechanism
of participation in various regional projects. Economic integration is an objective process
of strong economic ties and the division of labor in national economies that are similar in economic
The basis of the integration requirements are highly productive forces that have grown beyond
national economies. Integration process goes through several stages, including: creation
of a single market with harmonization of legal, economic and technical conditions of trade, orientation
of capital and labor, formation of monetary and economic union.
In developed countries, integration processes have received the greatest development in Western
Europe (European Union) and North America (NAFTA). Asian associations, such as APEC
and ASEAN, have a significant impact on the international scene, Customs Union of EurAsEU
(Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) gradually increases its influence. Ukraine was caught between
two of them, the European Union and the Customs Union of EurAsEU (hereinafter – the Customs
Union). In the context of further strategic choice of Ukraine, it is necessary to consider the
possible economic integration.
Key words: integration, European Union, Customs Union, geopolitical choice.