Abstract. Modern development of international economic processes is impossible to imagine
without the intervention of innovation activity. The formation of the needs for economic development
contributed to the emergence of technological inventions and developments, to
increase the competitiveness of organizations or countries. In the beginning of 90th, along with
the development of web space sprang networks, that were able to overcome territorial barrier
and to create a single global innovation network. Global innovation network is a competitive advantage,
growth of shareholder value and an important factor in achieving strategic goals. To
understand the way of functioning and existence of the innovation network in a particular geographical
dimension, you should consider the following global reports of leading economic institutes
and organizations as «Global innovation index 2013», «The global innovation 1000».
First report describes the innovation activity of the countries and their rankings due to the various
indicators of R&D sector. The report «global innovation 1000» is information concerning
the innovative development of companies and contains more details about digital tools of influence
on the innovation development of companies. Modern development of companies and organizations is already impossible to imagine without creating global innovation network because
of constant innovation activity that requires quick reaction and new resources. Accordingly,
spreading globally question arises about belonging to national and regional innovation
and the creation of a wide range of discussions.
Key words: Global innovation network, innovation, R&D, competitiveness, national innovation,
regional innovation, global innovation index, global, innovation, Asia-Pacific innovation
network, information and communication technology.