The article is devoted to the analysis of Ukraine’s public diplomacy in terms of aggravation of relations with Russia. Public diplomacy is researched as an instrument for shaping the perception of Ukraine in the West that is exposed to constant threats of information influence by the Russian Federation.
The paper analyses the role of public diplomacy in shaping the favorable image of the state in the mass consciousness and ensuring national interests in the international arena. The peculiarities of the development of public diplomacy of Ukraine at the institutional and practical levels being intensified since 2014 after the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine, are determined. Conceptual documents and specially created institutions for shaping a positive perception of Ukraine abroad and disrupting negative influence of Russian propaganda are examined. As a result, the main directions of Ukraine's public diplomacy are the development ties with the public and media; realization of image, cultural and informational projects abroad; cooperation of governmental bodies for supporting foreign-policy interests.
Through the content analysis of the Western media space on the coverage of Ukraine and the expert assessment of public diplomacy of Ukraine, the peculiarities of the influence of Ukrainian public diplomacy on shaping its perception in the West were identified and a set of recommendations was developed to improve Ukraine's perceptions in the face of aggravation of relations with Russia. These include developing West and Russian directions of public diplomacy, intensifying media coverage of Ukraine, changing narratives about Ukraine as well as engaging civil activists and artists for promotion the national interests abroad.
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