
  • O M Yatsenko Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • N O Dmytriyeva “KROK” University



In this article the authors have considered and summarized results of previous scientific studies as well as some actual events and issues of comprehensive evaluation of determinants and factors of influence in particular on the development of international or domestic e-commerce. With the use of the system analysis e-commerce activities have been considered as a result of interactions between endogenous and exogenous environmental factors. Exogenous determinants of the international electronic commerce include micro- and macroenvironmental determinants. The microenvironmental determinants define a system of relations among consumers, competitors, potential competitors including manufacturers of substitutes, suppliers and intermediators.
The macroenvironmental determinants are represented by economical, political and legal, scientific and technical, natural and social factors. Such an approach is a subject of our further scientific studies and it encourages the next stage of searches - research into the international aspects of institutional provisions for controlling international e-commerce activities.
Key words: digital economy, determinants, electronic (е-) business, electronic (е-) commerce, e-commerce, Internet, information and communication technologies, international electronic trade and economic activity.

Author Biographies

  • O M Yatsenko, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
    Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Іnternational Trade and Marketing
  • N O Dmytriyeva, “KROK” University
    Senior lecturer Faculty of International Relations



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