Abstract. The global financial and economic crisis are not an isolated phenomenon, but they
are a part of many crises that develop into one another (worldgoverning, economic, environmental,
demographic, security, energy, etc.), whose development was accelerated as a result of
the collapse of the bipolar international system and increased globalization. Obviously, handling
crisis development will be achieved, provided the acquisition of a new international system
a balance that would correspond properly to the character of global transformations. From
this perspective, changes in social development have made the problem of international political
consolidation prerequisite regulation of human relations and political necessity for the sake
of sustainable development of mankind.
In the article the necessety of the following things is proved: the urgent need for a comprehensive
study of the components of the global crisis of world governing and search mechanisms
to overcome it due to consolidation of the international system; development of optimal management
strategies capable to consolidate the social and political system today; research the
main factors determining the modernization of nation-state institute under globalization; improving
the process of handling the global system of international relations.
Global systemic crisis is not only financial («Bank») or economic («Mortgage», «food»,
«energy», etc.), but is primarily a crisis of the former world system and world order, and especially
the neo-liberal model of globalization in the form in which it was formed by the end of XX
century. Among the most important features of this model is the dominant role of the United
States as the world’s economic, political and military leader. Complete separation of the financial
sector in the economy of production and the consequent availability of a huge amount of
nonprovided financial assets, spread outwards institutions of liberal democracy without regard
to whether there are necessary conditions for prerequisites and more. Global systemic crisis revealed
the difficulty and, in many ways, the failure of these components of the former neo-liberal
paradigm. At the same time, most states were not ready to review the former neoliberal
course and now have no effective strategy to overcome the crisis.
Key words: world governing, regulation, the global systemic crisis, financial crisis, UN institutions,
international order, global management, USA, consolidation.