
  • M. V. Fesenko senior fellow for transatlantic research State Institution «Institute of World History of NAS of Ukraine»



Abstract. Among scholars problem and prospects of a new international order formation in
terms of transformation of the international system is attracting more attention. The scientists
have developed new conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of global and political
changes affecting the international order. In scientific terms the problem of the formation
of global governance is associated with a number of related issues: the changing role of the
state in the international arena, strengthening the non-state actors of international relations,
the impact of globalization on the political, economic and cultural spheres, interdependence
and more. First of all, a new international order is intended to provide solutions to global problems.
Guarantees of efficiency and reliability is the mutual consideration of interests. The world
order of the XXI century should be based on mechanisms of collective decision of the key issues
on the primacy of law and the general democratization of international relations.

Up to now, some prerequisites for the creation of new mechanisms for the regulation of international
relations are formed. First, most of the world was consciously striving to increase
its involvement in the formation of a new world order. Second, all participants in the international
dialogue became obvious limitations imposed by the system of international relations on
the actions of each of them separately. Unlike similar process at the end of XX century current
type of regulation of international relations based not only on the leadership of one country (the
U. S.), but also on the institutional framework of world order, which serve as international organizations
(the UN, the «Group of Seven», NATO). In this context, it is necessary to note two
points that potentially determine the state of international relations. First, due to the fact that
the UN is going through today’s crisis of legitimacy and the effectiveness of its work is poor, the
potential scheme gradual transformation of the institutional framework of world governing upwards
as a «Group of Seven» in political and NATO militarily. Second, the strengthening of several
international organizations, accompanied by a relative fall of the U. S. role in the world and
the increasing activity of several other subjects of international relations.
Key words: international order, world order, the international system, the UN, international
institutions, consolidation, members of international relations.

Author Biography

  • M. V. Fesenko, senior fellow for transatlantic research State Institution «Institute of World History of NAS of Ukraine»

    PhD in Political Science

