Abstract. Political transit, taking place in the post-Soviet countries has undergone a significant
transformation for the last 25 years. The foreign policy factor has a special impact on the
course of transit. This presupposes the effect of duality over transit: on the one hand, by the development
trend of the world political system, and, on the other hand, by the factors of globalization
and development vectors in transient post-Soviet political space. In particular, the
emergence of Ukraine as an independent state coincided with the transition of the world to a new
stage of globalized development in the absence of formed national strategy of globalization.
Unwillingness to respond adequately to the challenges of globalization led to another zigzag»
transit vector.
Postmodern European system is based not so much on the balance of interests, but involves
a huge degree of interdependence between domestic and foreign policy. Such a system can be
regarded as a system of relations, which has a high degree of mutual support and rejection of
32 Actual problems of international relations. Release 118 (part I). 2014
any form of force behavior. In the context of this classification, Ukraine is perceived as a rather
weak state of modernity with individual features of a pre-modern society.
Transitivity of the post-Soviet political space has shown that we are dealing with fundamental
facing decade’s undertow, social and moral, moral degradation of public relations. Moreover,
all this is happening against the background of neo totalitarian trends of political transit.
Types of world order determine the existence of the corresponding modes of functioning of
the political system. However, the characteristics of these modes are crucially caused by global
political regimes and therefore significantly affect the course of transit. In particular, the imperial
world order promotes the formation of neo totalitarian mode of the functioning political
system of mondialism.
XXI century led to the emergence and further intensified factors promoting neo totalitarian
tendencies of social development, which significantly affect the course of transitive processes.
The manifestation of tendencies of transitive neo totalitarianism reveals itself in the imbalance
of state power branches as expressed in the weakening of the legislature power in favor of the
executive one. Other modifications are also manifested: information-financial neo totalitarianism;
military – informational neo totalitarianism including Information colonialism and information
Key words: political transit, transitive neo totalitarianism, neo-feudalism, globalization,
world politics, political theory.