
  • O Shnyrkov Kyiv National Trade Economic University



The structural reforms in Ukraine are taking place under extraordinary and unprecedented for international economy circumstances. The annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbas region, the loss of important economical potential, human causalities, lack of territorial integrity guaranties from other countries formed a new system of challenges not only for our country but for the whole world in total. Under the external aggression and trade war with Russia the Association Agreement with the European Union should become the main and effective Ukraine’s economical structural changes mechanism. The economical part of Association Agreement with the EU and the deep free trade agreement are characterized as liberalization of mutual trade and regulatory convergence especially including the technical standards regulation field. Modern liberalization in mutual trade between Ukraine and EU has low tariff protection of the EU market for Ukrainian goods and doesn’t not affect the common volume of trade. That is why the technical barriers remains the main obstacles in Ukrainian goods export to the European single market.

Author Biography

  • O Shnyrkov, Kyiv National Trade Economic University
    PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations


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