The UN as a platform for the formation of the foreign image of Germany


  • V. Shklyar



The work analyzes the main aspects of Germany’s activity in the UN, by which it seeks to enhance its prestige in the international arena. First of all - its the activity in Security Council and interests which Germany seeks to protect in this organization. The described key programs, financed by Germany within the framework of the UN, says about the interest of Germany to improve living standards in poor countries. Actuality of the work is the defining methods and practices by which Germany forms the image of its foreign policy. 
Key words: foreign policy image, security, Security Council, initiative, interests, financial help.

Author Biography

  • V. Shklyar

    cтудент 3 курсу спеціальності «міжнародні відносини» Інституту міжнародних відносин Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка

