
  • S. Mytsiuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




The article substantiates the necessity and determination of the prospects for the innovative development of intellectual resources in the conditions of the formation of entrepreneurial-type universities in Ukraine. The process of transformation of the role of intellectual capital in the modern economy is analyzed, the evolution of approaches to the development of universities is studied, the specifics of the formation of entrepreneurial-type universities are defined, and intellectual resources are designated as a factor in the development of modern universities. The possibility of creating a fundamentally integrated integrated structure of a priority technological platform, including a HEI, research institutions and enterprises, an innovative integrated structure, has been determined. Also considered are important innovative forms of integration of science, business and education – clusters and public-private partnerships. The role of the state in supporting the development of interaction between enterprises and scientific and educational organizations has been determined. The article examines the global trends in the development of universities: general patterns and national characteristics, analyzes patterns and prerequisites for the formation of entrepreneurial-type universities in Ukraine, and defines the values of intellectual resources in the formation of entrepreneurial-type universities. The article considers the innovative development of intellectual resources in the context of the formation of entrepreneurial-type universities, identifies promising areas for enhancing the innovative development of intellectual resources. The algorithm for introducing the competence approach to the process of innovative development of intellectual resources for the formation and development of business-type universities in Ukraine is analyzed.
Keywords: entrepreneurial university, innovation, intellectual capital, knowledge transfer, clusters.

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Author Biography

  • S. Mytsiuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

    Ph.D. (economics), Senior Researcher 


