
  • O P Kuchmii Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



In the context of information development, new opportunities have emerged to solve humanitarian issues by supporting programs for the modernization of developing countries, based on the widespread achievements of science and technology. It is noted in the article that the emergence of new information and communication technologies, bio-and nanotechnologies, their widespread introduction into all spheres of society's life made it possible not only to improve the sphere of information and communication, but also acted as a significant factor in the strengthening of integration and cooperation in various spheres and at different levels of international co-operation. Increasing scale of new technologies using helps to overcome both information asymmetry and the asymmetry of the socio-economic and humanitarian development of the world. The article explored modern approaches to the use of technology for the socio-economic and humanitarian development of some countries in Asia and Africa. The example of the functioning of modern platforms proved that the introduction of «Aadhaar» system helps the Indian government to ensure the integration of socially disadvantaged groups and to overcome informational and socio-economic asymmetries in the country. The emergence of the digital payment platform M-Pesa enables the modernization of payment systems and encourages the development of small business not only in Kenya, but also in other countries of Africa. The functioning of e-commerce platform «Taobao» ensures the modernization and development of the backward regions of China with the traditional economic and social order through the introduction of e-commerce. The article showed that the obvious advantages of the introduction of modern information networks and technologies are expanding the scope of trade, facilitating entrance of small and medium businesses, increasing the efficiency and productivity in almost all sectors of the economy, and creating new jobs. Thus it has been proved that the positive experience of using new technologies in the countries of Africa and Asia can be used to address socio-economic and humanitarian issues in many countries and regions of the world.

Author Biography

  • O P Kuchmii, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    Ph.D., Political Science, Associated professor, Department of International Information


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