
  • O Bordilovska Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • V Ugwu Institute of International Relations, Kyiv National university of Taras Shevchenko



The current state of development of geopolitical processes marked a tendency towards a bipolarization of the world order. Global economic processes are evidence of China’s aspiration for wider representation in global politics and trade, if not the economic expansion. In this context, the implementation of the One Belt, One Road strategy opens up new opportunities not only for China itself, but also for its strategic partners. In the course of study of the prospects of Chinese-Ukrainian relations, it was established that there are a number of important prospects of Ukraine’s involvement in this geo-economic project. Analysis of the dynamics of foreign trade in goods between Ukraine and China revealed the need to intensify domestic industrial production. As a result of study of the prospects for expanding Ukraine’s participation in the One Belt, One Road project, not only the need to increase export earnings to China, but also identify opportunities for expansion into new markets in eastern direction was established. An important conclusion of the study was that the main emphasis in the further development of Chinese-Ukrainian relations should be directed at active attraction of the Chinese investment in domestic infrastructure projects. Special attention is also paid to the Ukraine’s initiative regarding the expansion of the New Silk Road in the direction of the Danube shipping, which will make it possible to more fully realize the trade and infrastructure potential of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

  • O Bordilovska, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • V Ugwu, Institute of International Relations, Kyiv National university of Taras Shevchenko
    Ph.D. student


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