Abstract. World e-business today is a topical issue, which requires careful study, development,
analysis and further application in practice to optimize the trading sector of the global digital
economy. In this article, the authors summarize the results of research by predecessors, as
well as certain actual events and trends in the further development of the international electronic
trade and economic activities, which should be studied in detail and will be appreciated
in the future.
In particular, the authors of the article find out the economic essence, place, theoretical and
methodological foundations of the conceptual-categorial apparatus, the genesis of mentioned
problems and the specifics of its development. This approach appears to be the subject of our
further scientific research and encourages the following search stages: identification of determinants
that affect the development of the international e-economic activity and research of international
aspects of institutional provision of its regulation.
Key words: digital economy, electronic (е-) business, electronic (е-) commerce, e-commerce,
Internet, information and communication technologies, international electronic trade
and economic activity.
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