
  • A Goltsov the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.



Abstract. Geostrategy of state involves in particular the projects of its activities concerning
certain regions of the world, countries and territories. Contemporary geostrategy of Russia
in the world is based on the conceptual basis of the formation of a multipolar order. In 2016, Rus-
Актуальні проблеми міжнародних відносин. Випуск 134. 2018 41
© Гольцов А. Г. 2018
sia initiated the creation of the “great Eurasian economic space”. The implementation of geoeconomic
(and at the same time geopolitical) project of the “Greater Eurasia” is to ensure the
interests of Russia and increase its positions in the continent. The project “Greater Eurasia”
makes provisions for economic association of leading Asian countries like Russia, China, India,
Pakistan, Iran, and many others. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) may become
the main basis for the “Greater Eurasia”. China as a main powerful economic actor in the
Eurasia implements the transregional project “One Belt, One Road” that will lead to a significant
strengthening of its geopolitical influence in the continent. Russia has risk to become a dependent
partner of China. It is assumed that geostrategy of Russia towards China provides
geopolitical “balancing” of the latter by involving to the interaction of India, Iran and other
countries. In geostrategy of Russia the project “Greater Eurasia” is associated with the further
development of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in the post-Soviet space. Quite significant
contradictions among the leading actors may prevent the realization of the project “Greater
Eurasia”. Contemporary Russia has insufficient economic potential for implementation of its
geostrategy in Eurasia.
Key words: geostrategy, multipolar order, geoeconomic project, “Greater Eurasia”, geopolitical

Author Biography

  • A Goltsov, the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
    PhD, doctoral candidate,



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