Abstract. The author of the article considers a new paradigm of a man of the XXI century,
in which the diplomatic image of culture, logically conditioned on the international arena, is of
vital importance. It is found that such diplomatic logic is phenomenal as the quality of rethinking
international interests in a system of scientific significance. Preventive methods of diplomacy
have been identified, among which the constructive model of the diplomatic game has a
priority. The OSCE is described as a diplomatic platform in the fight against transnational challenges
and threats. This organization for security and cooperation in Europe is a factor in its Eu-
16 Actual problems of international relations. Release 134. 2018
© Лісовський П. М. 2018
ropean integration. At the same time, democracy, as a discursive field in diplomacy, is determined
by the strategic goal of international development. In this sense, globalization is demonstrated
as a multi-vector influence on an international diplomat. The matrix way of dialectical
mutual relations between states in a diplomatic field is embodied, in which the logic of legal personality
is the true guarantee of state sovereignty and transformation in the international world.
A new paradigm of diplomatic consolidation of mankind as a society of wise men in the next
cycles of intercivilizational contradictions is predicted.
Key words: man, diplomatic logic, democracy, globalization, matrix game.
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