
  • O I Stupnytskyy Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • S V Solyanyk National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



In recent years, cloud computing has ceased to be exotic in the field of entrepreneurial
activity. More companies are moving their business processes to a virtual environment.
"Clouds" become the place where information is stored, processed and from which it is transmitted
instantaneously to any place in the world, the time for making business-decisions is shortened,
and "paper technologies" disappear. The creation of a unified world network market
economy - geo-economics and its infrastructure - is based on repeatedly increasing both the
scale of information flows and the volumes of created digital content. Currently, cloud computing
is used in various spheres of economic and commercial activities, from education and medicine
to banking and service sector. Flexibility and availability of resources makes cloud
computing ideal for business structures that have to respond to changing business needs more
quickly and cope with current tasks more effectively.
The SaaS (Software as a Service) market is developing rapidly, new services that are designed
to simplify the life of industry businesses are opening every day, so very soon none of the
trading enterprises will be able to do without this business tool. In this case, all cloud models
– public, private or hybrid – have advantages and technical characteristics that are attractive
to different organizations depending on their needs. In addition to corporate business, this service
is of interest to small and medium-sized businesses – to those companies that do not have
their own qualified system administrators, companies from the service sector – beauty salons,
car services, small shops, transport companies, and others enterprises that are not related to IT.
Key words: cloud technologies, online-services, blockchain, cloud model, IТ-infrastructure,

Author Biographies

  • O I Stupnytskyy, Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    PhD, Professor of the International Business Department
  • S V Solyanyk, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    Junior researcher of scientific management department unit for research providing


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