The article notes that after signing the Association Agreement and launching free trade area between Ukraine and the EU, a new stage in the development of Ukrainian food law has begun. It is characterized by the increased impact of European Union law on the legal regulation of this sphere. The provisions of Chapter 4 “Sanitary and phytosanitary measures” of the basic for the FTA Ukraine-EU Title IV of the Association Agreement ”Trade and Trade-related Matters”, which serve as a legal basis for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU food legislation were analyzed.
The ways of Ukrainian food law development are proved to be determined by the Strategy for the implementation of Chapter IV, Section 4 of the Association Agreement. The measures envisaged by the Strategy covering almost all areas of public health, animal health and phytosanitary regulations have been analyzed. The European food and phytosanitary law is found out to cover the territory of Ukraine as a result of the implementation of measures provided for in the Association Agreement and the above Strategy. It was emphasized that the scale of the obligations undertaken by Ukraine to harmonize the food legislation requires prompt and qualified organizational work by the Ukrainian competent authorities.
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