
  • О. В. Шевченко Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of International Relations



In the end ХХ of century to the traditional threats of international safety took the threat of global nuclear war, nuclear proliferation, religious wars, ethical conflicts and armed separatism. One of main features of international environment of the beginning of XXI of century is transformation of international threats, that arise up both through fault of man and without his interference. The question is about such global calls of international safety, that is caused by the consequences of climate change. Such consequences of climate change are natural cataclysms; formation of useless for life territories; a decrease of the biological variety of planet; lack of drinking-water, hunger and epidemics; increase of level of world ocean. These calls have absolutely measureable political and financial consequences. Realization of these problems at the greatest political level is the first constituent of their decision. Another important instrument of their decision is an informative activity, id explanation to international public of nessesity in adaptation and softening of climatic changes. An author shows, that most global problems related to the change of climate does not exist in itself, they interlace closely, mutually complementing each other, and their decision is an object of international safety and also informative safety.

Author Biography

  • О. В. Шевченко, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of International Relations
    PhD (Politics), associate professor, associate professor of the Chair of International Mediacommunication and Communication Technologies


Список використаних джерел

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