The article analyses refugee impact on economic development of host countries. About two-thirds of all international migrants reside in 20 countries. Total number of refugees in the world was estimated at 19.5 million people in 2014, the number of refugees reached the highest level since World War II. Unlike the voluntary migration, the vast majority of refugees head towards developing countries. It must be stressed that forced migration flows generate significant negative political and economic consequences for the world as a whole. Forced migrants tend to come to those regions where there are no significant employment opportunities.
The assumption that receiving a large number of migrants by developed countries may cause unemployment or reduce wages or leads to a significant increase in the cost of public finances due to the rise in social payments is largely unconfirmed. Forced migration being poorly guided, as it is an intrinsic feature of today's stage, creates significant negative externalities to neighbouring regions and the world at large. There is a sizeable difference between forced and voluntary migration for their economic and political consequences. In terms of economic prospects, the difference between forced and voluntary migration should disappear over time. The paper studied the mismatch of supply and demand for certain skills on the labour market that is much more of a problem for developing countries because they receive large volumes of refugees in relation to the total population of their countries and have far fewer opportunities for leveling the imbalance in the economy by attracting additional amount of capital.References
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