The article is devoted to the issue of the violation of the Minsk agreements achieved in the result of the Minsk process by Russia and latter’s interpretation of the agreements as imposing the obligations of fulfilment exclusively on Ukraine. The article dwells on the attempts of the Russian high-rank officials and the representatives of doctrine to accuse Ukraine of non-fulfilling of this document. The author points to specific steps Ukraine has made to implement the provisions of the Minsk agreements (e.g. Ukraine has adopted the Law “On temporarily Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine (PDDLO)”) and rebuttals Russia’s weak arguments about Ukraine’s failure to maintain the truce.
Generally, the analysis of the Minsk agreements implementation shows that the purpose of Russia is to de jure turn the conflict into an internal Ukrainian problem; influence decisions of Ukraine both in its internal and foreign policy by means of puppet “DPR” and “LPR”, preferably granting the latter the veto power; destabilize political and social situation in Ukraine, undermine its economy and defence capacity with the help of the above formations. The author arrives at the conclusion that the de-escalation is nominal because of Russia’s failure to cease the illegal actions.References
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