The article considers the role of International Law in asserting Christian values in human rights protection. The author gives examples of harmonious interaction of International Law and Christian morality. According to the author, as a result of certain factors, International Law started to deviate from the principles of Christian ethics. As a result at the level of creating and implementing International Law there is a positive attitude or indifference to such destructive practices that destroy the individual, family, society, state as abortion, surrogacy, change of sex, same-sex unions, euthanasia, cloning, genetic modification, research on human embryos, etc. The article deals with these trends mainly on the example of the European model of human rights. The author analyzes the practice of interpretation and application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) by the European Court of Human Rights regarding the aforementioned issues and concludes that in many cases the Court goes away from the historical context of the adoption of the Convention, creates new rights, and in its judgments does not take into account the arguments of a state concerning the protection of public order and public morality that looks like a dangerous trend for the International Law functioning.References
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