
  • V. I. Nakonechniy Graduate student, department of international relations and foreign policy, Petro Mohyla Black Sea state university




Abstract. The official declaration of the Ukrainian European integration vector of the foreign
policy on the state level was one of the determining factors of the internal political spheres
of the country for the next decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union. More than twenty years
since the independence of the young Ukrainian state were characterized by the differential dynamics
of reform that declared the vector to build a civil society on democratic principles and
human values. However, the actual process of reforming the Ukrainian state, for the most part,
did not achieve its goals, in contrast from the Poles, for example, who started reforms around
the same time with Ukrainian and reached a sufficiently high level in 2004, paving the way to
EU accession. Naturally the question arises why Ukraine, which has officially voiced the course
of integration into European structures, failed to complete a series of objectives set out in the
Copenhagen criteria?
Analysis of the current geopolitical situation in Ukraine does not produce as many answers
as many questions are posed by researchers. The solution should be sought including in the
process of formation and evolution of the dialogue between Ukraine and the European Union.
Recent events in Ukraine showed primarily to political scientists a large number of problems.
The development features of our country in the coming years depend on the solution of these
problems to great extent. It became clear that immediate and urgent steps are the internal systems
reform and the search for more effective foreign policy doctrine for Ukraine.
This article analyzes the peculiarities of the political dialogue between Ukraine and the European
Union during the 1991-2004 using the structural logic that was proposed by the author.
The analysis is based on the principle of the material separation into thematic blocks, each of
which is part of the cause-effect relationships. Also, the main components of this dialogue are
pointed and their interaction as the basic structural and functional elements of the system of intergovernmental
cooperation Ukraine – EU in this period is exposed.
Key words: Ukraine, the European Union, the social system, integration, political dialogue,

