China through global transformations


  • V. I. Ostapyak викладач кафедри історії політології Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника.



The study of the development of one of the biggest and most powerful East Asian countries has been conducted. The author has attempted analyze further development of the mentioned country on a global basis. The positions and systems of influence in Asia-Pacific and strengthening of the Chinese geopolitical authority in Asia have been studied. The leading role of China after dissolution of the bipolar world and its competition with the USA and Russian Federation has been mentioned about. A complex of social, political, and economical reforms in the PRC that led to strengthening of its weight in the international relations system has been analyzed. A necessity of effective study and utilization of Chinese experience in Ukrainian politics has been emphasized.
Key words: global problems, transformations, centralized administration, PRC, the Russian Federation, Ukraine.

Author Biography

  • V. I. Ostapyak, викладач кафедри історії політології Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника.

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