The criteria for the classification of acts of international organizations


  • O. M. Shpakovych доцент кафедри порівняльного і європейського права Інституту міжнародних відносин Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка.



International legal acts concluded with the international organizations have some features in comparison with the international agreements concluded by the traditional method. First, the following acts in the form of conventions impose appropriate obligations and give certain rights not only states to ratify the Convention, but also international organizations, in which it was developed. Secondly, the texts of conventions can be viewed not only their members, but all members of the international organizations present at the session of the highest governance body that are not parties to the Convention. Exploring different spectra classification of criteria acts of international organizations (for example, Council of Europe) is important for the further development of not only the law of international  rganizations, but relations between states and international organizations.
Key words: ternational organization, the decision of international organization, resolution of intergovernmental organization, Council of Europe conventions, statutory Council of Europe conventions, treaties of the Council of Europe, partial agreement of the Council of Europe, European standards of human rights, the international standards.


Author Biography

  • O. M. Shpakovych, доцент кафедри порівняльного і європейського права Інституту міжнародних відносин Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка.

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