CURRENT PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE regulation of competition in the EU


  • O. Гуменна студентка 4 курсу відділення «міжнародні економічні відносини» Інституту міжнародних відносин Київсь- кого національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка Науковий керівник: проф. Ступницький О.І.



For Ukraine, which is in the early stages of integration into the world economic system - a topic of research strategies and mechanisms of TNCs as major exporters ka - Pitalov , it is also important because of their expansion in the domestic market is still one of the most important consequences of the integration process . TNK Ukraine has not yet received its full capacity , but because Ukrainian government still can actually affect their activities in its territory, it requires the formation of a balanced public policy to regulate the activities of TNCs and capital imports .

