
  • A Filipenko Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



The article investigates the main approaches in the field of economic methodology. There are two methodological trends that emerged under the philosophy of science: naturalistic and constructivist. The first originates from Aristotle’s materialism, the second – from Plato’s ideas. Naturalized approaches eliminates distinction between the “context of discovery” and the “context of justification”. Constructivism related to cognitive methodological paradigm.

It means that it is more sociological in nature, concerned with connections between individuals – with learning, inter-subjectivity, and social knowledge. Thus, the main methodological views on economic theory can, on the one hand, explain the economic life in all its dimensions – the micro – macro – and geo-economic levels, establish certain patterns and trends. On the other hand, using a variety of methods – logical, mathematical, statistical, computer models and programs, new phenomena and processes of local or global nature are explored. That creates conditions for accumulation of empirical and theoretical material that enriches the economic theory, generally shaping the economic science.

Author Biography

  • A Filipenko, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations


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