
  • К А Фліссак Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine



The development and deepening of international division of labour have led to increased competition on the world markets. In this situation, national governments are forced to look for ways to protect their own manufacturers and domestic markets from foreign competitors.

At the same time to promote their goods and services abroad countries participate in international organizations designed to liberalize trade relations, the largest of which is the World Trade Organization. The antagonistic nature of these processes leads to a significant number of trade disagreements and disputes that require proper settlement.

Economic diplomacy is a powerful and effective means of their preventing and solving. Its tools allows to create the preconditions for proactive monitoring of trade processes in order to prevent the contradictions and disputes, and in the case of their appearance – for the fastest possible resolving, defining the possibility of finding mutually beneficial ways out of confrontational situations.

It is important to study the practice of settlement of international trade disputes in the European Union and the United States. The purpose of this is the introduction of advanced foreign experience in the activity of the Ukrainian public authorities with the purpose of increase of efficiency of their functioning and national interests protection.

Author Biography

  • К А Фліссак, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine
    PhD (Economics), Associate professor, doctoral student


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